Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Extra Credit "Poems"

#1 " When a Boy falls in love"
This poem in my opinion is trying to explain when a young boy falls in love. When boys fall in love they are scared to admit it. Boy's fell that when they do fall in love they are vulnerable to the girl. It's funny because there is a saying that goes " let the man fall in love with you first, than you first" it is all a sense of security. Overall , it is a good poem!

#2 "loving spirt"
I really liked this poem. It may me feel loved by that special someone. It's that feeling of being in love and the way that person holds and wraps you with their big arms. It's that sensation of being in love with one another

# 4 "What do you see in him?"
This poem was very interesting. It's talks about a situation in which women go through all over the world. The poem describes a man who is comparing himself to the women he desires how he is different than the man she is with. He ask's her what is it that she see's in this man that has all these negative facts and is not good for her. However, I believe sometimes wome are so deep into a relationship they can't surpass all these negative things the man they are with has, so they stay.

# 6 "Amour Mortelle "
This poem was pretty scary but it is something that could happen in real life situations. The poem is about a love that is very deadly. A women who become obessesed with this man, which she wants all for hereslf. She explains that if she can't have this man then no one would, therefore she ends up killing him by causing him a mortal wound. By the way the qoute by billies blue is really strong yet interesting

# 8 " I Lost You"
I have to say this was a deep one. It's very true what they say love moves in mysterious ways. You fall in love and see that person grow as a person with the love you share. However, one day you loose that special someone. Sad but at the end of the day I am a strong believer that everything happens for a reason

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